

Calendar of Tantric Events

Americas Events


If you are interested to participate to this event,
please click on the URL link to the right of the image
to complete the registration form on the SkyDancing USA institut website.

Love and Ecstasy Training - Cycle 1 - BRAZIL - 1h30 from Sao Paulo

American events
04.22.2024 - 04.28.2024
Araçoiaba da Serra


The purpose of this cycle is to lead us to discover and release physical tensions, emotional and psychological blocks that prevent us from loving our body and living our sensuality and pleasure. We will begin by freeing the first two chakras in order to support the energy flow freely throughout the body. The more our body releases tensions accumulated during our lives, the more it can relax and be a source of pleasure.

This retreat will be given in English and translated into Portuguese

In this cycle, you will :

· Celebrate our energy with freshness and innocence and become aware that the source of pleasure lies primarily within ourselves
· Learn to love and accept our body, awaken our inner lover
· Explore the art of tantric massage and gentle and respectful touch
· Learn the healing rituals of the Yoni and the Vajra - the sexual organs of women and men
· Enjoy and celebrate sacred rituals that honor and expand male and female energies
· Learn the art of preparing a tantric temple and the ritual of "sacred space"
· Discover the 3 Keys to sexual ecstasy: breath, movement and sound.

For further information or to register :


Location information

Araçoiaba da Serra

461 Rua Tenente Benedito Camargo Pinto
Araçoiaba da Serra
São Paulo 18190-000

if you are interested in taking part in this course and would like to register or have more information, please follow the "Subscribe" link on the right of the main course image.