

Margot Anand

A Leading Authority on Tantra

Margot Anand         Website           

Margot Anand is an internationally acclaimed authority on Neo-Tantra. She has done a lot to reveal the esoteric Teachings of ancient Tantra to the western world. She is the much-beloved Founder and Teacher of the SkyDancing Tantra ® method, and the author of popular books and best-sellers such as The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, The Art of Sexual Magic, The Art of Everyday Ecstasy, and Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm.

A native of France, Margot received her degree from Sorbonne University in Paris and has spent decades studying with many of the world’s prominent masters of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, including the great mystic Osho in India. Margot has also extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Bioenergetics, massage, meditation, Arica, and Integral Yoga. Margot’s teaching style is a rare synthesis of French humor, American pragmatism and Indian mysticism. She is particularly appreciated for her ability to bring healing, lightness, fun and passion to her workshops.

Over the past three decades, Margot developed and taught the Love and Ecstasy Training (LET), a powerful and proven method for healing and enhancing our love life as well as our love of life, and for cultivating meditation. Margot is the founder of several SkyDancing Institutes worldwide. SkyDancing Tantra represents the synthesis of Margot’s work and has been taught to over one hundred thousand people in dozens of countries.

Margot has trained and certified a select group of couples and individuals as SkyDancing Tantra Teachers. A directory of those Teachers is available on this website.

Margot lives in Bali and continues to teach and travel the world on her lifelong mission to spread Tantra in the West. In particular, she leads the final cycle of the LET in Montpellier (South of France).



Margot Anand

To know more about her you can find her website here 


Books (English)

Love Sex and Awakening book cover Margot Anand

Love, Sex, and Awakening: An Erotic Journey from Tantra to Spiritual Ecstasy

A true virtuoso of Tantra and a brilliant star in the universe of erotic delights, bestselling author Margot Anand has led a life of sexual ecstasy and spiritual bliss. This book recounts her fascinating adventures and provides techniques and exercises to help you connect to the spiritual potential of sex and cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling love life.

One of the first teachers to bring Tantra to the West, Margot has explored the connection between sex, body, mind, and spirit with gurus around the world, including Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, Osho, and many more. Love, Sex, and Awakening shares her amazing stories and explores the answers to profound questions: What is Tantra? What does a woman need to realize her multi-orgasmic nature? What does it mean for a man to be a Tantric lover? What is awakening?

>>Click here to listen to an interview with Margot on Relationship Alive! with Neil Sattin.


the art of sexual ecstasy - book of Margot Anand

The Art of Sexual Ecstasy

This landmark book on human sexuality makes the sacred lovemaking techniques of the East fully comprehensible to Western readers. Elegantly illustrated, it helps the reader acquire new life-affirming, sex-positive attitudes, broaden his or her range of experience, revitalize and strengthen relationships, heal and prolong orgasmic potential all the way to the deep experience of sexual bliss. This book is a treasure.

“The most comprehensive and clearly written work on contemporary Tantric sex. An exceptionally detailed program for both the beginner and the advanced practitioner.” —Herbert A. Otto, author of Total Sex


The art of sexual magic - book of Margot Anand



 The Art of Sexual Magic

An advanced course in erotic enchantment and the magic of extended orgasm from Margot Anand. The Art of Sexual Magic takes the power of sexuality beyond mere lovemaking by showing readers how to generate and focus intense sexual energy and to use it as fuel for realizing personal and spiritual goals.


 Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm

Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm

In Sexual Ecstasy, Margot Anand offers a magnificently illustrated, concise, and step-by-step guide to giving magical orgasms to your partner, male or female. Sexual Ecstasy will:

  • Bring fresh awareness to sexually sensitive areas and new ways of caressing these areas.
  • Open the way for ecstatic states of orgasm.
  • Help reveal and dissolve psychological and emotional blocks inhibiting the flow of orgasmic energy.
  • Enhance communication between love partners, deepening their sense of intimacy.
  • Teach you, the woman, how to take responsibility for your sexual well-being.
  • Teach you, the man, how to bring a woman to orgasmic ecstasy.


 The Art of Everyday Ecstasy - book of Margot Anand


The Art of Everyday Ecstasy

In this book, Margot Anand expands our definition of ecstasy and shows how we can harness its energy to help us live, work, and love more passionately, joyfully, and with true spiritual focus.

“I recommend The Art of Everyday Ecstasy to anyone who wants to realize their ecstatic potential for living a life in which the spirit and everyday experience are intricately interwoven. With her usual energy, wit, and insight, Margot Anand shows us how to make life a daily celebration of the sacred.” —Deepak Chopra


 The New Art of Sexual Ecstasy: Following the Path of Sacred Sexuality - Book of Margot Anand

The New Art of Sexual Ecstasy: Following the Path of Sacred Sexuality

New edition of the best-selling guide to transforming sexuality and orgasm through sacred ritual and ancient techniques. The New Art of Sexual Ecstasy opens the way to a new stage of fulfillment and bliss, making the sacred lovemaking techniques of the East available to Western readers and extending sensual experience for everyone. This landmark book on human sexuality provides simple techniques that help readers to discover new sexual experiences, combining physical pleasure with intense emotional and spiritual joy. Includes a wide range of practical ways to enhance sexual pleasure and deepen intimacy, including massage, visualisation, breathing, ritual, movement and fantasy. The sexual secrets outlined in this book include: / how to prolong pleasure / how to extend orgasms so it becomes a whole body experience / how to recover sexual sensation / how to have a multiple orgasm — for men and women / how to increase arousal and extend the sexual experience. Also included are many innovative sexual positions for versatility and compatibility. The emphasis in the book is on transforming sexuality beyond the merely physical, making it a truly spiritual experience. This book is ideal for anyone looking to bring spirituality back into sex, using it to bring the body and soul into union to discover a whole new experience.


The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook - book of Margot Anand

The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook

A concise, illustrated workbook and a concrete and practical initiation into SkyDancing Tantra. An introduction to Tantric lovemaking, The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook presents a user-friendly, step-by-step method for connecting more deeply with one’s ecstatic potential, erotic goals, and ability to appreciate one’s self and one’s partner. The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook is the perfect practical guide for the countless lovers who complain that sexual harmony is so easily broken and that love, rather than being pure bliss, is more like walking through a minefield—where at any moment a false move can turn off enthusiasm and snuff out all chances for orgasmic satisfaction.


Love, Sex & Awakening (Bulgarian edition) - book of Margot Anand

Love, Sex & Awakening (Bulgarian edition)

Margot’s life story freshly released in 2016.



Books (en français)

A la rencontre de l’orgasme divin : Amour, sexe, éveil - livre de Margot Anand - Edition Guy Trédaniel

A la rencontre de l’orgasme divin : Amour, sexe, éveil

Comment avoir une vie amoureuse authentique ? Quel est le lien entre le sexe et l’extase ? Qu’est-ce que l’éveil ? Qu’est-ce que le Tantra ? Comment devenir un amant merveilleux ? A travers le parcours autobiographique de Margot Anand, qui fut la première à apporter le Tantra en Occident après avoir enseigné en Inde, sous la supervision directe d’un grand mystique, ce livre rare répond aux questions d’aujourd’hui. II combine des histoires érotiques et croustillantes, des leçons de sagesse et d’enseignement spirituel (l’auteure pose la question “Qu’ai-je appris ?” à la fin de chaque chapitre), ainsi que des exercices faciles et agréables à pratiquer au quotidien. Grâce à cet ouvrage exceptionnel, vous découvrirez le potentiel extatique de la sexualité et comprendrez le côté sexuel du Tantra pour améliorer votre relation amoureuse et votre bien-être physique et spirituel.


L’extase au quotidien ou La passion de vivre au XXIe siècle : Les sept clefs du tantrisme qui permettent d’intégrer passion, esprit et joie à chaque aspect de votre vie

L’extase au quotidien ou La passion de vivre au XXIe siècle : Les sept clefs du tantrisme qui permettent d’intégrer passion, esprit et joie à chaque aspect de votre vie

Ce livre est recommandé pour toute personne désirant réaliser son potentiel extatique, en reliant le spirituel au quotidien. Grâce à son énergie, son humour, l’auteur montre comment faire de sa vie une célébration quotidienne du sacré.


La magie du Tantra dans la sexualité - Livre de margot Anand


La magie du Tantra dans la sexualité

Après L’Art de l’extase sexuelle, Margot Anand, spécialiste mondialement reconnue de la sexualité tantrique, porte dans ce nouveau livre l’énergie sexuelle à un niveau supérieur, en montrant au lecteur comment il peut intégrer l’activité érotique à sa quête de développement personnel et spirituel. Parce qu’elle rend à l’acte sexuel son sens sacré, la magie sexuelle permet aux couples de se servir de la sexualité pour réaliser la jouissance charnelle, l’extase spirituelle et la puissance psychique qui est le véhicule magique permettant de transformer tous les autres domaines de leur vie.


L’art de l’extase sexuelle : La voie de la sexualité sacrée et du Tantra pour les couples occidentaux - Livre de Margot Anand

L’art de l’extase sexuelle : La voie de la sexualité sacrée et du Tantra pour les couples occidentaux

L’une de nos plus grandes sources de plaisir – et de déconvenue – est l’intimité sexuelle. Margot Anand a aidé des milliers de gens, lassés ou déçus par la sexualité, à entrer profondément en contact avec leur énergie sexuelle et avec l’expérience spirituelle qui en découle. A la suite de ses séminaires, ils ont pu découvrir un monde nouveau, éviter la routine dans leur vie sexuelle, réduire les tensions ou encore tenter de vivre une expérience vraiment intime, profondément satisfaisante, et sacrée.
Dans ce livre d’apprentissage graduel, Margot présente la formation qu’elle a conduite dans le monde entier. Celle-ci est basée sur d’anciennes pratiques tantriques et taoïstes, rendues accessibles aux amants occidentaux. Elle permet au lecteur de créer un environnement spécial pour faire l’amour, d’éloigner les peurs et les résistances psychologiques, d’augmenter l’excitation sexuelle et d’améliorer l’harmonie dans le couple. Son large éventail de méthodes destinées à accroître le plaisir, approfondir l’intimité, comprend la visualisation, la respiration, le massage, le rituel, le mouvement et l’imagination.
Parmi les secrets sexuels révélés dans ce livre : prolonger le plaisir en apprenant comment être très excité tout en étant pleinement relaxé, étendre l’orgasme en partant d’une sensation localisée pour aboutir à une expérience corporelle totale, obtenir de multiples orgasmes, à la fois pour l’homme et pour la femme, guérir l’absence de sensation sexuelle, se donner du plaisir, seul ou avec son partenaire, afin de vaincre l’inhibition sexuelle et augmenter la confiance en soi, apprendre l’anatomie sexuelle de l’homme et de la femme, se remettre des traumatismes sexuels, être à l’aise avec la sexualité saine, et, enfin, transformer la sexualité en une profonde extase spirituelle.




 SkyDancing Tantra: A Call To Bliss - by Margot Anand (CD)

SkyDancing Tantra: A Call To Bliss (CD)

These six sensuous compositions offer a path of personal evolution and growth focused on the connection between sexuality and spirituality. They relax the body, open the heart and bring the mind into clear focus. When this integration has taken place, the listener is ready for a new sexual experience in which physical pleasure becomes a delight of the heart and an ecstasy of the spirit. When practiced with a partner, Tantra has for centuries been shown to contribute to a healthy, loving relationship. In these compositions: Margot Anand sings and channels sounds through her voice, that can open the lover’s energy centers and offer a great preparation for love. Recommended listening while you relax in each other’s arms.


Sexual Magic Meditations (Audio Cassette) - by Margot Anand

Sexual Magic Meditations (Audio Cassette)

Cultivating Sexual Energy to Transform Your Life

On Sexual Magic Meditations, you will learn how to safely and creatively explore this sacred side of your sexuality, and how to bridge sexual union with an inner source of wisdom and power. Four step-by-step meditations for lovers show you both how to control and channel sexual energies, heal painful memories, and heighten awareness through many specific techniques, including breath control, practices for focusing your inner energies, and guided visualization exercises.

“Anand is one of the most eloquent and intelligent teachers of how to approach sex in ways that can be healing.” —Dean Ornish, M.D.


Music of Everyday Ecstasy (CD / MP3) - by Margot Anand

Music of Everyday Ecstasy (CD / MP3)

Music for passion, spirit and joy by the author of The Art of Everyday Ecstasy, Margot Anand.





Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life

Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life (set 3 DVDs) 

Margot Anand's Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life offers life-changing tools and techniques presented in an interactive format, so you can study in any sequence and at your own pace. Each Key is demonstrated by real-life tantric couples and singles. These practices are equally appropriate for same-sex or opposite-sex couples. Whether you are single or in a relationship, we invite you to experience Margot's proven, practical approach to greater love, sexuality and intimacy. You will receive a three-DVD set in a collector's slipcase containing: Disc One: Opening Your Secret Love Channel Disc Two: The Art of Erotic Devotion Disc Three: Expanding From Orgasm to Ecstasy A lifetime in the making, this 3-disc DVD set presents a step-by-step progression through the teachings of Margot Anand, best-selling author and world-renowned Tantra expert. Her approach, inspired by her Love & Ecstasy Training, can take you to a state of heartfelt and expanded bliss. These practices have been taught to thousands of people worldwide..