
A wonderful experience told by Kavitro Roy, Vicki Reiners and Dave Theis

How is it that it's possible to have deep and meaningful connections with others, maybe even others you haven't yet met, when living in physical isolation? Is this even possible and how deep can it go? How is this done?

It turns out that it is possible and people with no Tantra experience whatsoever can immediately take part in having this experience with a simple but powerful online practice. We've done something called a puja circle for quite some time with people face to face in the same room, but we wanted to find out what experience people had if we were to have the same practice online where people are face to face in the virtual world. Vicki has long said that she is able to conduct her practice because energy and connection knows not about distance or time. Connection is connection and separation by place has very little effect. Nonetheless, we decided to test this idea on an actual puja group last week and find out exactly how true it is.

The practice works like this. Everyone meets together in a large group to begin with and is led in a short grounding practice and given some general instructions. People are then sent into virtual breakout rooms, where pairs of people are randomly placed face to face. Before going out to these virtual breakout rooms, they are given an instruction of what their interaction will be. Perhaps one person will answer a predetermined question that is asked by the other. Sometimes they exchange answers, sometimes it's only finding out something about the person across from you. After given some time for the exchange, people then come back to the large group; are given the next instruction for their interaction and then return to a newly paired random couple for the exchange. It doesn't matter what gender pairings turn out as all the interactions are human ones.

We are very pleased to report that this online puja trial was a great success! In an era where the term "social distancing" has been coined, we can now say that we are existing in "physical distancing" only and that physical distancing in now way interferes with social interaction. The people who attended reported having a feeling of great relief at being able to connect with others in ways that they hadn't for weeks. It was evident by the expressions on people's faces that they had received a truly satisfying experience that took them on a journey they may not have been able to experience without being led in this group activity. We are social creatures and can continue to be deeply connected with one another in satisfying ways during trying times.

We invite you to take advantage of our offerings as it is our gift to you to hold this space for connection. Please check the calendar and see what offerings may appeal to you. It's always possible to try something out and see what it's like!

With Love,
Kavitro, Vicki and Dave