Tantric Community Spain Walking Together
We walk together


Beloved Tantrika,

the Tantric Community Spain is thriving and recently several new people joined us so that we are now 15 people in the very core of this project and more than 35 people showing serious interest.

Our next goal is:
· Increase our investment capacity from 2 million Euros to 2.5 million Euros:

We're currently in need of investors who can bring in a minimum of 100.000 Euros. We offer a clean annual rentability after taxes of 1,5%. If you want to help  this beautiful vision to unfold and manifest in real, please contact us asap. Everyone who wants to help us is welcome!

We plan to sign the contract and buy the property late summer or early autumn.

For more information, please browse our Website and contact us through the Contact Formular.

We are a group of people from different nationalities (at present German, Spanish, Swiss, French and Belgian).
We are all seekers and we’d met before in tantra courses and retreats.
Following an invitation by Utchi (Frank Schubert) in the summer of 2018, we got together in order to explore our common wish to live in an intentional community.
Utchi’s goal as initiator is to establish an initial circle of 15-25 people, the “core group”, a powerful group ready and willing to put their energy and capacities to work towards the realization of this community project.
He brought in the original vision draft as a result of many years of participating in tantra, yoga, massage and meditation retreats in seminar centres worldwide and visiting and co-working in many communities. He proposed integrating the three concepts of eco-village, tantric-meditative seminar centre and healing centre.

We look forward to welcome you!