

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Our American community of teachers

Patrick Chapman

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Prensenter


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Patrick’s inquiry – What does it mean to be intimate with oneself? – led him to SkyDancing® Tantra. He is currently a Certified SkyDancing® Tantra Presenter who creates space for workshop participants to move their body and relate from their heart. Patrick’s workshops focus on experiential Tantra exercises that stimulate play, vitality, reflection, and awareness.

Patrick’s professional background compliments his work as a Presenter. He is committed to helping people create intimate connections and work-life balance. Patrick is a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, and Attorney. He possesses 26 combined years of expertise in Executive Coaching, conflict management, training, organizational development, and law in the public and private sector.

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Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teachers in North America

Certified Teachers are experienced and inspiring professionals who support the vision of Margot Anand and SkyDancing Tantra International. They have completed training as a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and are members in good standing with the SkyDancing Tantra Institute - USA.
The title of Certified Teacher was granted to them by a Certification Committee based on requirements such as (but not limited to): having attended and assisted the Love & Ecstasy Trainings and having successfully taught evening and weekend workshops based on the teachings of Margot Anand. By receiving this certification, these Teachers have agreed to comply with SkyDancing Tantra Ethical Standards and Guidelines.


Certified SkyDancing Tantra Presenters in North America

Certified Presenters are skilled and dynamic professionals who support the vision of Margot Anand and SkyDancing Tantra International. They have completed training as a SkyDancing Tantra Presenter and are members in good standing with the SkyDancing Tantra Institute - USA.
The title of Certified Presenter was granted to them by a Certification Committee based on requirements such as (but not limited to): having attended the Love & Ecstasy Trainings, having successfully taught evening and 1/2 day workshops based on the teachings of Margot Anand, and having assisted Tantra seminars led by experienced teachers. By receiving this certification, these Presenters have agreed to comply with SkyDancing Tantra Ethical Standards and Guidelines".